For the past few years, I have used a mood tracker to reflect on my year. I always had lots of fun filling it out; picking the color scheme, drawing it all out, and using it to reflect on my day and month. This year though, I've decided to write an open letter to myself of 20 things I want to remember and/or to have accomplished in 2020.
To the Nicole of 2020:
Another year of your life has come and gone. You're now a junior in college, 20 years old, and hopefully studying for the MCAT. I hope you allowed this year to shape and mold you. Here's what 2019 Nicole hopes that you remembered: 1. Rest
You really struggled with this in 2019. Instead of allowing yourself to rest, you flooded your schedule with stuff, sometimes stuff of no real value to you. Let yourself breathe, and let yourself be present this year. Let yourself reflect and recognize the opportunities that God has presented to you.
2. Love
It's always been hard for you to see the good side of people, but once you start doing that, I promise they'll surprise you. Allow yourself to love, allow yourself to trust, allow yourself to see the good.
3. Dedicate Yourself
You've achieved a lot of things this year, but you were going through the motions. Find what sets your soul on fire, and run with it. Do what you love, not just what keeps you busy.
4. Study
This one is obvious of course, but remember that your priority right now is school. We have big dreams, and they can't be accomplished without that diploma. Don't let bad grades or bad scores scare you, let it fuel you to be better instead.
5. Trust
Trust yourself, trust those around you, and trust that God truly does have a plan. Breathe easy with the knowledge that the creator of the universe loves you for you and has already set out your path if you'll trust him.
6. Work
Don't let yourself ease up this year. Continue to work hard personally, academically and professionally. If you want to work out, do it. If you want all As, get them. If you want that job, go get it. If anything, work harder than you ever have before.
7. Prioritize
I know you love to be busy, but make sure that you're prioritizing your time. Get up earlier, don't procrastinate, and plan it all out if you have to, but don't look back at the end of the year and wish you would have spent your time differently.
8. Budget
Stop being silly with money!!!! You work a good job and are blessed with scholarships, so use that to your advantage. Be more mindful of your spending.
Save the sea turtles! Kidding, but not really. Be more mindful of your carbon footprint this year. Every little thing you do can help!
10. Laugh
Let yourself go sometimes. Enjoy a good laugh, enjoy a good cry, be fully emotionally present with your people. It's okay to feel.
11. Read
Read more. Dive into some Bible studies, read new neuroscience papers, find some books that become your new guilty pleasures. Allow yourself to be creative and get new ideas while doing something you used to love.
12. Travel
Say yes when you can. I know you'll have gone/are going to Mexico, so enjoy every second. Be observant, be present, and let other people teach you things that you didn't even realize you needed to learn.
13. Enjoy
Enjoy the little things. Enjoy the Peppermint mocha, enjoy the Harry Potter Marathon, enjoy the prank wars at the Tri Delta House. Find the good in every moment, and let it teach you something.
14. Diet
You don't actually need to diet, but make sure you're physically taking care of yourself. You put your body through a lot on a daily basis, make sure you're doing the little things- like drinking more water than coffee. :)
15. Explore
Allow yourself to explore new hobbies and/or revisit old ones. Do that thing you've always wanted to, and be more spontaneous!
16. Reflect
Give yourself time every night to reflect over the day, and pray over what's been on your heart that day. It'll help you sleep easier at night, and you'll wake up ready to take on the next day.
17. Improve
Find ways to improve yourself in every capacity. Look for ways to grow, and go after them. Welcome constructive criticism and find people that will help you recognize the things you can fix.
18. Surround
Surround yourself with people that love and uplift you. God put you in this place, at this moment, for a reason, so take advantage of the lessons and advice they can give you.
19. Grow
Grow into the woman God is calling you to be. You spent 2019 afraid of what would happen if you let yourself follow, so do it.
20. Be Present
Most of all, I hope you were present. I hope you loved deeply, worked tirelessly, and lived fearlessly.
You've got this.
- Nicole, 2019
