This time last year, I sat down to write a letter to myself; twenty things I wanted to accomplish & remember in the year 2020. The year began and all the sudden everything I wanted and thought I was going to accomplish was turned upside down. My priorities changed, my life changed, and I learned way more than I ever thought I would. As I begin to write this, I'm comparing my list of things to last year, and it's fascinating to see what has changed and what has stayed the same. I've started a new job, done college during pandemic, started relationships and ended them, and even placed membership at a church.It is always important to self-evaluate and refocus your priorities; especially after a year like this.. So, without further ado, 21 things I want to remember in 2021:

Stay Diligent - stay active, stay vocal, stay educated. You have a duty to others to be educated on important matters and do your part to keep the world just.
Be Present - put the phone away, enjoy every sunset, every Andy's run, every midnight Among Us game. these days will one day fade, so soak up every minute.
Say No - sometimes you deserve the break; so allow yourself to breathe a little.
Reprioritize Often - as circumstances change, you do too. reevaluate and reprioritize to keep yourself accountable.
Keep Planning - keep having big dreams and planning for the's important to keep your eye on the prize.
Remain Flexible - as things change, you can change with it. roll with the punches and stay on the path.
Believe Yourself - your gut instinct is right 99% of the time, so trust it.
Study Hard - you've got a little bit to go. focus on your studies. you're capable, you've just gotta apply yourself.
Waste Less - seriouslllyyyyyy, you've gotta lessen your carbon footprint. we improved it, but I'm confident you can do even better.
Save More - med school isn't going to pay for itself . enough said.
Actually Budget - you're getting closer and closer to medical school and being on your own. it's time to start budgeting and doing adult things ( :( )
Stay Faithful - wake up with a rewnewed spirit and restored mind. He's got you, always.
Safely Travel - see the world. meet the people. but do it safely and hopefully vaccinated :)
Express Yourself - explore new hobbies. dive into your music. don't critique every new thing you try. destress.
Be Fearless - you've got big problems, but an even bigger God. don't let anything scare you into forgetting that.
Regain Self-Confidence - you're capable, talented, and worth it. you forgot that a lot this year. remember to love yourself, too.
Manifest Success - If you don't prepare properly, you're never going to get there. do the things you have to do to achieve your dreams.
Stay Healthy - keep your mind and body healthy. nothing in the future matters if you don't make it that far.
Call Them (Often) - call your people. text them when you can. let them know how much you care, and don't leave anything unsaid.
Love Fiercely - end of story. treat others with love and kindness, even when it's hard, even when they don't deserve it. you didn't deserve it either, but you still experience God's love everyday. show that to others and remind yourself of that fact.
Trust Always - trust God, trust yourself, and trust others. they aren't all that bad ;)
Above all, don't be stagnant. No matter what facet of your life it is, constantly grow and improve. When you're stuck, pray about it and allow God to show you what to do next. There is never a stagnant season with God.
Keep the Faith,
Nicole, 2020