Like most of you, I have been self-quarantining since the middle of March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When the news that my university was closing came out, I was filled with emotions: happy because I no longer had to attend Chemistry lab, scared because that meant this thing was real and dangerous, sad because I was missing out on the rest of my sophomore year, and overall anxious about my academic and personal life. I was questioning God A LOT - and I mean multiple times daily as I would encounter new found roadblocks. Fortunately, I still have three church families that have been keeping in contact with me and serving as voices of encouragement and peace- and it was during one of these meetings that I realized: this pandemic is exactly what I needed.
At first read, that sounds awful- COVID-19 continues to be the worst thing most people have ever seen, and I am fearful everyday when I go into work that I will catch it, or transmit it to someone I love. Working as a Nurse's Assistant in a Detention Center - I pass meds, take vitals, etc. - was intense before this happened, and now I'm wearing masks and getting tested for COVID (it was negative :) ) and freaking out anytime someone has a fever of 100*F because that means I can't go home. My life has been completely turned upside down in ways that I never thought possible.
For those of you that are subscribers, you've read my "2020" blog that outlines exactly what I hope to accomplish this year. 20 ideas and dreams and commands to myself to improve on or start doing. The crazy thing is, I didn't start doing ANY of it until the pandemic occurred. I am able to rest. I am able to enjoy the little moments with my family I am being intentional about my relationships. I am looking for ways to. be sustainable and eco-friendly. I am being creative and exploring new projects. I am eagerly awaiting the day I get to travel again. I am being more intentional about my time with God- and making it a priority. I am focusing on my education, regardless of how it looks right now. and the big one- I am trusting that God will make something out of this situation. I am trusting that no matter what happens during and after this pandemic, God has gone before me and is guiding my path.

I am currently going through the book of Proverbs- chapter by chapter- and focusing on the idea of "wisdom". I don't know about you, but for me, wisdom has always been somewhat of an enigma. What I am learning in Proverbs, however, is that God is wisdom. By growing closer to Him, and walking alongside Him daily, I am gaining that wisdom, but I also have to put it in to practice.I know that our world is full of fear and uncertainty- some are angry and grieving. People are afraid to leave their houses, they have lost their jobs, they have lost their loved ones. Amidst all of this tragedy and uncertainty, I encourage you - in fact, I implore you- to lean not on your own understanding. God has never & will never allow us to go through things that we cannot overcome- as long as we place our trust in Him. Allow God to guide you, allow Him to ease your fears, and allow Him to give you the answers you are seeking.
You words inspire me and I look forward to seeing much more. #best sister ever.