If you keep up with social media, you've seen #worldkindnessday trending. It's crazy to me that we have a "holiday" - if you can call it that- just to encourage people to be kind to one another. It's crazy to me, but I also completely understand. As a college student, I am constantly surrounded by negative, some would say miserable people. Many of them say and do things that hurt others even though its often not intentional, but simply a defense mechanism from the world around them.

I say them, but I am a part of the "them". I'm very much a black and white kind of person, so I'm not one to sugarcoat things. Because of this, I often come off as assertive and/or aggressive. I typically blame it on my communication style, but in reality, I recognize that it is a weakness of mine. I hardly stop to consider how what I am saying or doing will affect the other person or how it will be perceived.
Recently, I've been trying to stop and think about how my words and actions are perceived.I'm striving to be kind to all, not just on the holiday, but day in and day out.
just a little realization for your Wednesday,
I heard something a 5-6 yrs ago and try to remember it when I want to tell people what I really think.
“ you never know what demons or warfare someone is facing at any given moment . Maybe all they need is a gentle answer or a happy smile from you “